Welcome to Langford Turnbull Limited

Planning for your Future

Taking advice could be the soundest financial decision you'll ever make

“It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for."

So said Robert Kiyosaki when commenting on why people benefit from professional financial advice. An adviser can help you make good decisions about your financial affairs and explain options you may not have considered. Taking the right advice can save you money in the long run. It may be pensions, planning for inheritance tax, investing for the future, retirement, selling a business, or even a lottery win! A good financial adviser can help you make the right decisions - making sure that your financial arrangements are as tax efficient as possible, and suitable for your personal circumstances.


Who we help

High Net-Worth Individuals

High Net Worth Individuals require specialist and personalised advice to help to protect, maintain and enhance their wealth. When working with you our priority is to protect your interests, both current and future. We will listen to what you want and help plan to achieve your wishes. We can also advise you on the best way to protect your wealth for future generations through trust and estate planning.

Business Owners

We help company directors address key financial planning matters that have often been neglected. Left unattended to, these matters often can result in paying more tax than necessary, or it can be much more serious in that events which can and should be insured against are left uncovered, with possibly disastrous consequences for the firm and its owners.

People Planning to Retire

Will your accumulated savings and investments be sufficient to enable you to retire? How do you ensure you don't pay any more tax than necessary? Do you want to stop work immediately? Or scale back your working week? We will clarify your options and help you plan for the retirement you deserve.

By understanding the options open to you, you are better placed to make the right decisions

Financial Planning for Death, Ill Health and Serious Illness

"Having the right insurance cover could be the best investment you make."

The bedrock of our financial planning process is to ensure that should anything happen to you, there is a financial plan in place to provide for those you love. This is foundational to our advice process. There is no point having fabulous retirement, investment or tax planning advice if, should anything happen to you unexpectedly, your family and loved ones also must suffer an impact financially.

We can help make sure you are financially protected against the impact of some of the events life can throw at us. We know it isn't an easy subject to think about, however, once in place, Life Insurance/Critical Illness Cover/Income Protection Cover, properly structured and set up, is designed to give you peace of mind.

Financial Planning For Retirement

"Whether you are planning your retirement, or you have already retired, we can help you put together a tax efficient financial plan that is tailored specifically to you."

We invest whatever time is needed to listen to you and understand what it is you are trying to achieve. Your personal situation, your financial circumstances, your dreams, your goals and the type of retirement you would like are some of the essential elements we can help pull together.

The “Pension Freedom” rules introduced by the Chancellor in his 2014 Budget and made effective from April 6th 2015, have created an ever-greater demand for advice. It is an increasingly complex landscape and more important than ever to take good financial advice. The wrong course of action can lead to you incurring unexpected tax bills and potentially being in a more difficult position further on down the line than you needed to be.

As part of our service, we will talk you through all your options, including the support available to you from the State. Our aim is to ensure you fully understand the options available to you so that we can help you plan and decide for yourself the best way forward.

NOTE: A pension is a long-term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down. Your eventual income may depend upon the size of the fund at retirement, future interest rates and tax legislation.

Financial Planning For Inheritance Tax

"Keep more of your hard-earned money for your family and loved ones."

When you consider that in the event of your death, anything you leave your loved ones over the IHT allowance is charged at 40%, it is a lot of money for the taxman! The current allowance is £325,000 for 2022/23.

When calculating the value of your estate, it can include your house, car, savings, investments, valuables, proceeds from any life insurance policies you may have that are not in trust, and any other property, so be careful if thinking inheritance tax doesn't affect you.

You can’t just give it all away on your deathbed either as legislation ensures that you must live for seven years, from the date of such a gift, before it is outside of your estate for IHT purposes.

However, through careful planning it is possible to substantially mitigate inheritance tax, and in a lot of cases avoid it altogether. For example, by using investments that qualify for Business Relief, or arranging investments into trust, using life policies or changing your will, to name just a few, there are several potential means of reducing the tax bill.   Additionally, the new ‘main residence nil rate band' introduced on a phased basis in 2017/18 allows a residential property to be left to one or more direct descendants upon death, to the value of the net value of the property (less liabilities such as a mortgage) or the band limit, whichever is the lower. Be aware that the rules are complex and not entirely straightforward!

NOTE: The value of investments and the income from them may go down. You may not get back the original amount invested. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate inheritance tax planning or taxation advice.

Tax Efficient Investment Planning

"Effective planning can help you keep more of your money from the taxman's grasp"

There are numerous ways that you can make the most of the tax allowances available and keep more of your money out of the taxman's hands.

We use our expertise to review your situation and objectives, and then put together an effective plan to help you make the most of the opportunities available.

When you consider 40% inheritance tax, the additional 45% income tax, up to 28% capital gains tax for higher rate taxpayers, and even an effective rate of tax of 60% on a portion of some high earners income, there is lot to be gained by getting expert help!

If you are looking to invest for the future, we can help you put together a well-structured, diversified investment portfolio that meets your objectives. Whether you are comfortable taking a degree of risk with the aim of generating higher returns over the longer term, or you don't like to take risks at all but still like the idea of getting better returns from your money than what is available via traditional savings accounts, we can clearly and simply explain the investment options open to you and how they might fit into your financial plans.

We will of course ensure that you make the most of all available reliefs, allowances and exemptions that HMRC legislate for - as well as considering the choice of most appropriate and tax efficient tax wrapper – be that an Individual Savings Account (ISA), Pension, Onshore or Offshore Investment Bond.

NOTE: The value of investments and the income from them may go down. You may not get back the original amount invested.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate inheritance tax planning or taxation advice.

Business Financial Planning

"Having the right insurance cover could be the best investment you make."

Business owners are typically simply too busy working in the business to think about their own financial objectives, or the protection of the business they have created. As a result, planning your own and your employees' financial security becomes neglected or often completely overlooked.

As a director, it is important to look after your own increasingly complex personal financial affairs. Careful planning is key to ensuring financial security over the longer term, and advice from a specialist financial advisor can help you meet your aims while concentrating on managing the business.

A key area of our business is advising owner-managed businesses in areas such as:

• Reducing your Corporation Tax through effective tax planning
• Shareholder protection insurance
• Key man insurance

Businesses often require specialist financial advice, such as making sure business profits are not impacted by the loss of key people to illness or death. Also, to ensure the business can retain control should another shareholder die.

How would you pay the value of the shares to the deceased shareholders estate? What if the family of a deceased shareholder ended up with a controlling interest in your company? These are common unforeseen scenarios that can be addressed with good planning.


We provide independent financial advice to private individuals, owner-managed businesses and company directors. Our business model centres on highly structured technology-based processes. This enables us to deliver a highly streamlined cost-efficient service proposition.

We act solely in the best interests of our clients. We are not tied to any financial institution or provider and keep you, and your financial planning objectives, at the heart of all we do. The “client experience” is paramount and we pride ourselves in building long lasting, professional client relationships where clients will always view us as their trusted adviser.

Over the years, our principal adviser and Chartered Financial Planner, Greg Turnbull, has developed an extensive network of professional connections from Accountants to Solicitors to Tax Specialists. Working with other specialists in their field ensures that as a client, you will benefit from an integrated and holistic approach to your financial planning across multiple areas of expertise.

As a firm, we are proud that our business continues to be built solely on referral and recommendation.

Greg Turnbull BSc(Hons) APFS